Currently listening to:Safe and Sound by Julia Sheer

Concluded HSSWeek 2012: Old School today with the closing ceremony and appreciation dinner. Appreciated and appreciating both. In other news my life has taken the saying ‘delight in disorder’ too literally for my comfort, the neat boxes of categorized segments diffusing into one another. I am devouring poems for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, a parking lot for the words of another’s mind. Deadlines and an absent muse, I’m very tired and maybe this is why i am entertaining thoughts of layered blonde and pink hair, possibly purple too. i apply on my personality out from a bottle of dye, kate winslet said in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind, and i think, how easy it is then to outgrow and tire of yourself.

Last night i had a nightmare where i chopped off my locks and everyone hated it. Nightmares regarding my hair usually only occur during exam periods or just before prom, such deviation from the normal schedule of dreams scares me. This is a sign you all, i am not cutting my hair.

Woke up to rapping on my door, pulled the covers over, hoping they’d go away, and wondered to myself ‘what am i doing with my life’

Still, amidst the gunk of inaction and paranoia i feel myself stagnating in, the sweetest surprise all the way from NUS/ION in the evening

Best Boy(girl)(whatever)(just a label right)friend ever.
